The IAPHS Blog is a virtual community that keeps population health professionals connected and up to date on the latest population health news, policy, controversies, and relevant research from multiple fields.
Beyond the Boxes, Part 5: Analysis and Interpretation of Race and Ethnicity
Part 5 in our Beyond the Boxes series on race and ethnicity in population health research: What to think about to avoid superficial or even harmful analyses and interpretations.
Population Health News Roundup: November
COVID as the great unequalizer, minimum wage and deaths of despair, a win for Black communities against Smithfield, neighborhood poverty and BMI, and more.
Beyond the Boxes, Part 4: Complications in Coding Race and Ethnicity
How you code race and ethnicity can affect your analyses and even the interpretations of your results. Read more in the fourth post in our “Beyond the Boxes” series.
Mentoring Spotlight: Shared Backgrounds Help Build a Successful Mentorship
A mentor and mentee with different research focuses but similar backgrounds can build a successful mentoring relationship.
Beyond the Boxes, Part 3: Measuring Race and Ethnicity to Align with Your Research
The ways you measure race and ethnicity should align with your research question. Read more in Part 3 of our Beyond the Boxes series.
Beyond the Boxes, Part 2: Defining Race and Ethnicity
Are Black and African American identities different? How do we conceptualize Indigenous identity? And are Hispanic and Latinx categories ethnic or racial?
Dear Pandemic: An Origin Story
Find out how Dear Pandemic, a go-to resource for all things COVID-19, was born.
Population Health News Roundup: October 2020
Emergency sick leave slowed COVID-19’s spread, enforcing workplace guidelines saved Black lives, telehealth disparities are emerging, wildfire smoke can harm babies, older Black lives matter, and more.
Embracing IAPHS and Interdisciplinary Research: A Graduate Student’s Journey
How much can IAPHS help students? A whole lot.
Capitalism and Population Health: Highlights from Our 2020 Conference Plenaries
Capitalism and economic policies are undermining public health, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Chris Bachrach summarizes the plenaries at our October 2020 Conference, “Policies, Places, and Profits: Manufacturers of Illness and Health.”
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