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Preconference Workshop



Workshops should be designed to engage the audience in a focused learning, skill-oriented interactive experience. For each workshop, some didactic presentation content is acceptable, but the emphasis should be on engaging with the audience and aimed at filling a current gap in knowledge or practice. Case studies, simulation, small group exercises, and sharing of tools and resources is strongly encouraged. Workshops will be held in 2 hour or 4-hour time blocks.  Proposals will be solicited from the IAPHS membership and reviewed by the Professional Development Committee, in conjunction with the Program Committee Chairs.

In Person and Virtual Workshops are available.


Content: The content of the workshop should be relevant to either one or more of the conference topics or fit within the mission of IAPHS. There should be clear learning objectives listed as part of the submitted proposal.

    • Priority will be given to workshops that have potential to advance the impact of interdisciplinary IAPHS research and translation in concordance with the mission of IAPHS, supports and provides additional educational support to advance a new and novel interdisciplinary approach or topic, addresses an ongoing training gap or challenge within IAPHS.

 Structure: The structure of the workshop session should be designed to include elements of didactic and interactive learning methods that provide a high-quality learning experience for the attendees. The workshop should be organized to successfully achieve its learning objectives.

 Impact: The attendees of the workshop should have gained knowledge, skills, or experiences that they can practically apply at their home institutions. Thus, the workshop should explicitly describe how the listed learning objective will be translated into “take-homes” for attendees.

 Faculty: The proposal should describe the qualifications of the faculty/facilitators to lead the workshop session (i.e. their involvement in the implementation or research in a given topic should be described as part of their biographic data).