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Poster Judge Scoring

Poster Judging Scores
Poster Judge Name
Poster Judge Name
We may contact you with questions about scoring.


Judging Criteria:
1. The poster has Population Health Impact by addressing a key population health concern.
2. The research summarized by the poster contains potentially high impact findings.
3. The presenter is with her/his/their poster, engaged with the audience, and is addressing questions asked.
4. The poster is readable, and the layout is clean; the poster is not too wordy and cluttered.
5. The poster uses graphics, tables, or figures to convey the results of the research.
6. The methods and results are clearly described.

Please rate each criterion on the three-point scale of 1 (fair); 2 (very good); 3 (exceptional). Student posters will be provided a “bump” in scoring, so please do not assess student posters any differently than you would non-student posters.