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Contributor Guidelines for IAPHS Blog Submissions

Got an idea for a blog post? We want to hear about it! Read our contributor submission guidelines below.

Is Your Idea Interesting?

Generally, if it’s either original or not widely known, we’re probably interested. To maximize your blog’s chances of acceptance, please send us a brief description of your idea before you begin writing: A few sentences should suffice.


The IAPHS Blog keeps members up to date on the latest population health news, research, policy, and controversies. It also helps readers stay abreast of progress and perspectives from other fields. As an IAPHS Blog contributor, you’re joining a virtual community that keeps population health professionals connected.


IAPHS members are primarily academic researchers, and they come from many different disciplines (sociology, epidemiology, biology, history, etc.). However, our members also include policy makers and population health practitioners.


Commentary: Raise a question, respond to a post in the IAPHS Blog, or share your opinion on a relevant issue. Example: How the US is taking the lead on preventing lead poisoning.

Research Highlight:  Propose a focused question and summarize highlights from a population-health relevant paper that you’ve read recently (or even written yourself). Of particular interest: articles from journals that may not be read by other population health scientists; intriguing findings; novel interdisciplinary translational or methodological approaches. Explain why it’s important for population health. Example: The effects of manipulating social status on immune function: An interview with primatologist Jenny Tung.

How To: Succinctly offer practical tips on how to do something that population health researchers could benefit from (eg, visualizing data, engaging policymakers, etc). Example: Ten tips for giving a better interview.

Announcements: Please use this form to submit announcements (e.g. conferences, publications) and opportunities (e.g., jobs, training, funding) for the website and newsletter. Please check with us if you are unsure where your news belongs.

Word Count

For all formats, please try to keep the word count around 750. For certain topics we understand that you may need to exceed this word limit. Please contact the editor if you feel this is the case.

Style & Tone: Tips

  • Make your point quickly. Establish a big picture view of your topic and the issue at hand in the opening paragraph.
  • Write for an online reader. Consider the mobile devices and laptops most readers use – and keep paragraphs short. Use subheads and bulleted lists to break up content.
  • Use a conversational, engaging style. Imagine you are talking with your reader or writing an article to be read on the radio. How would you keep their attention? Use stories, examples, and analogies to illustrate your points.
  • Avoid jargon and use clear language that any researcher can understand. Please consider that terms that are common in your field may be unfamiliar to someone from a different field; it’s best to define such terms upon first use.

Political Stance Guidelines

  • We welcome controversy, but our goal is to build bridges, so please avoid an aggressive, insulting, or confrontational tone. Also, blog posts should not include partisan politics.
  • Make sure to support your point of view with specific facts & examples. Include links to relevant studies, organizations and other resources that can help readers understand your reasoning.
  • We include this note on the blog: “Unless authored by IAPHS Staff, posts reflect views of individual authors, not those of IAPHS.”


Successful blogs provide readers the “value added” of resources and useful links. Readers love being able to take a deep dive into a topic that piques their interest! Use links wherever possible, rather than endnotes or footnotes.

Photos, Graphics & Multimedia, Video

Include relevant photos charts, maps, data visualizations, animations, or data simulations. Video and multimedia especially enhance reader engagement.

Copyrighted v. Stock Content: You may want to search Google Images and IStock for material that is labeled for reuse or for noncommercial reuse: click on “Search Tools” and “Usage Rights” to perform a search. You can also find legally reusable images in Wikimedia, Flickr, and other image sites. Please provide the source of all graphics and media you supply.


We welcome headline ideas, which will be edited for length and online searchability.

Byline & Bio

Please include a 25-word bio and headshot.

Send & Submit

Submit your blog post by emailing it to What happens when you click Send? We will respond to your submission in a timely fashion, carefully reviewing your blog, and contacting you with suggestions and questions to maximize your post’s appeal. If your post is especially time-sensitive, please note this in your email’s subject line!