Elizabeth Wildsmith
Elizabeth Wildsmith is a Research Scholar in the Reproductive Health and Family Formation research area at Child Trends. She is a sociologist and family demographer who studies childbearing, relationship formation, the transition to adulthood, Hispanic families, family wellbeing, and reproductive health. She is committed to addressing questions that will support researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in efforts to promote the healthy development of children and youth and in making sure those questions are addressed with the right data using the right methods. Prior to working at Child Trends, Dr. Wildsmith was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health and Society Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Wildsmith received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004. Dr. Wildsmith has written or contributed to many Child Trends’ research briefs and reports and has published in multiple peer-reviewed outlets, including Social Forces, Journal of Marriage and Family, Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Social Science Quarterly.