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The election is open June 7 to July 19. You must be an individual member of IAPHS by July 19 to vote. If you are not already a member, click here to join.

Those continuing on the Board during 2025 and their 2025 positions include Philip Alberti (President), Magdalena Cerda (Past-President), Suzanne Bevan (Executive Director), Board members Elizabeth Wildsmith, Katrina Walsemann, Megan Todd, Sarah Gollust, Silvia Martins, Kaori Fujishiro, Caryn Bell, Alexander Tsai, and Michael Green.  Retiring members include Jennifer Karas Montez, Marino Bruce, and Elaine Hernandez.

Thanks to Past President Mark Hayward, who chaired the Nominations Committee, Nominations Committee Members, and a special thanks to our candidates for their willingness to serve IAPHS


This person will serve as the President-Elect in 2025, President in 2026 and Past-President in 2027.  In 2025, they will appoint individual(s) to chair the 2026 Program Committee as well as other new members of IAPHS committees in 2026.
Jennifer Karas Montez

Jennifer Karas Montez, PhD

Syracuse University

Sociology and Demography
Hedy Lee

Hedy Lee, PhD

Duke University

Jennifer Karas Montez's Candidate Statement:

Jennifer Karas Montez is a University Professor of Sociology, Gerald B. Cramer Faculty Scholar in Aging Studies, and Director of the Center for Aging and Policy Studies at Syracuse University. She also codirects the Policy, Place, and Population Health Lab at Syracuse University, which provides interdisciplinary training in population health for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.Read more

Hedy Lee's Candidate Statement:

I am a James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Duke University. Before coming to Duke, I was a professor of Sociology at Washington University in St. Louis (2017-2022) and the University of Washington (2011-2017), and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health and Society Scholar at the University of Michigan (2009-2011). Read more


The Board provides oversight and strategic guidance to IAPHS.  It meets by conference calls throughout the year and in-person just before the annual IAPHS Conference. The three Board Members elected this year will serve 3 year terms beginning November 1, 2024.


Courtney Boen

Courtney Boen, Ph.D, MPH.

University of Pennsylvania

Sociology and Demography
Alicia Riley

Alicia Riley, PhD

 University of California, Santa Cruz
 Sociology, Social Epidemiology

Courtney Boen's Candidate Statement:

Inequalities in health are staggering in scope, persistent over time, and devastating in toll. My research combines critical and relational theories of race and racism, insights from the life course perspective, and a variety of social demographic techniques to: 1) provide detailed and accurate estimates of racialized, legal status, and socioeconomic inequities in health; and 2) interrogate and reveal the structural, institutional, and sociopolitical determinants of population health inequality.Read more

Alicia Riley's Candidate Statement:

I would love to serve as a junior board member to ensure that the sense of belonging I have found in IAPHS is extended to other students, practitioners, and scholars of population health. As an interdisciplinary scholar interested in critical approaches to population health research, I have found the mix of training and experience reflected in IAPHS members refreshing and productive. I have also enjoyed partnering with others to build community by serving on the Communications Committee for two years. IAPHS is breaking down barriers and making population health research accessible, impactful, and responsive, and I am excited to support this work. Read more


William Story

William Story, PhD and MPH

University of Iowa College of Public Health

Public Health
Andrew_Stokes Photo_1_small_cutout

Andrew Stokes, PhD

Boston University
Demography, Sociology

William Story's Candidate Statement:

Dr. William Story is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community and Behavioral Health and the Director of the Maternal and Child Health Catalyst Program at the University of Iowa’s College of Public Health. Dr. Story has over 20 years of experience in global public health focused on sexual, reproductive, maternal, and child health in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the U.S. Midwest.Read more

Andrew Stokes's Candidate Statement:

Andrew C. Stokes, PhD is an Associate Professor at Boston University. As a demographer and population health researcher, his scholarship examines the social, economic, and health policy determinants of rising mortality inequities within the U.S. and the widening U.S. mortality disadvantage compared to peer nations. His research interests span from upstream factors such as tobacco regulatory policy and food environments to downstream factors such as chronic pain and disability. Read more


Bettina Beech

Bettina Beech, DrPH, MPH, FAHA

The University of Houston, Population Health

Public Health, Population
Theresa Osypuk

Theresa Osypuk, ScD, ScM.

University of Minnesota

Bettina Beech's Candidate Statement:

Bettina M. Beech, DrPH, MPH, FAHA is the Chief Population Health Officer, Founder of UH Population Health at the University of Houston. She is a population and public health scientist whose work spans clinical, population health, community-partnered, and health policy research and the associated risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases with a focus on reducing health disparities and improving minority health. Dr. Beech has focused on the intergenerational transmission of behavioral, social, and environmental risks for cardiovascular and cardiometabolic diseases among African American children, adolescents, parents, and grandparents. Read more

Theresa Osypuk's Candidate Statement:

Theresa L. Osypuk, ScD, ScM, is Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Community Health, at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, where she is also the Director of the Minnesota Population Center, and Co-Director of the Population Health Science Training Program. Dr. Osypuk is a social epidemiologist, demographer, and population health scholar. Her research examines why place and social policy influence population health and health disparities. She studies the influence of racial residential segregation, neighborhood context, and social and economic policies implemented outside of the health sector, for their effects on health disparities across the life course. Read more